Joanna posted this on her blog today and it made me laugh out loud! It's been a long week of 12+ hour training days (and it's not over 'til Saturday afternoon!), so I was very ready for a smile...
Last night Bruce and I got back from our 10-day road trip around the Northwest visiting his family and some of our friends. It was wonderful to get away and we had such a great time, but it's so nice to be home!
I saw Nicole's post about her heart-shaped cinnamon rolls and thought that they look so pretty and yummy! I just may have to try my hand at these this weekend...
Bruce and I are going away for a few days away to visit with his parents. We're heading to his doctor this morning to see if they'll okay a walking boot (fingers crossed!), then up to Moscow (Idaho) to visit with his Dad and Judy for a few days. After that, we'll make the trip up to the Seattle area to visit with his Mom (and to drive up to Vancouver to take in the Olympic sights) before coming back home through Boise to visit with his brother, Jay....Whew!....I'm definitely looking forward to some time away, but I think I'll need a vacation just THINKING about all of the driving on this trip! Good thing we're both big fans of roadtrips...
I'll post some photos when we get back. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
(P.S. How lovely is this photo?! I adore it...AND it's free for download. The image is available on Oh Brooke and I found the link on Little Green Notebook. )
"What I know for sure is this: The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there--as long as you're willing to be honest with yourself about the preparation and work involved. There are no back doors, no free rides. There's just you, this moment, and a choice."— Oprah Winfrey